Craft and Game list
Craft list Snap bow |
Games Animal CharadesElbow tag Memory challenge Memory hunt Stuck in the mud-freeze tag Dodge ball Massive yarn web sculpture Two teams-call numbers-run to center Lead blindfolded people with rope Clothes pin game-try to attach to somebody's body Bola Owls and crows Pyramids Dragons tail Fox and squirrel Six questions What animal am I? Camouflage or thicket Blind-fold drum walk Blind-fold rope walk Blindfold find your tree Stalking utensils Unnature trail Capture the flag Find the buried treasure Spud Foxes and rabbits Make name up for animal or plant Duplication Scavenger hunt Migration Sneak up on fire at night Eye comparison-1 eye stares into light &other eye covered stalk to light source at night walk down path at night alone Leapfrog along path at night with two hiding teams Manhunt- Where everyone has to get back to base Red light /green light with trees Rope swing Bat and moths Predator and prey (both are blindfolded) Red rover Octopus or cross my river Sleeping miser (sneak up on blind folded person) Garlic trail Memory game (Husker-du) Hoop and spear Blindfold find your medicine spot Apache pebble game Dogsled races Butt rope wrestling (side by side wrestling) King of the circle
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